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Monday, October 20, 2008

Dragon Fruit Flower

Have you ever seen a dragon fruit flower before? It was my first time seeing it. Thanks to my neighbor for her love for plants! :)

I only came to know that dragon fruit flower blooms in the night from 9pm + to 11pm and it only bloom once a day. After that time, it will close up....

Here are some of the close shots that I took. Big and beautiful!


Anonymous said...

It sure is a beauty...nice of you to share with us and now I know how it looks like.

New Kid on the Blog said...

Oooo... glad you share!! I didn't know all that!

Mich said...

Errrrr i didnt know dragon food has flowers ... emmmm eye opener ....

dreamie said...

Recently I brought a plant which is a kind of leaves. It is green on the outside and maroon in the inside.

In the morning it will opened up and gave a cherry maroon colour potted leaves and it the evening, it will
closed and shown it greener side.